Ten things we love about the Tenth Doctor’s Era
Tuesday, August 7th, 20071. Mockney Doc
Most British actors seem to be Londoners who have to attempt Scots accents when necessary. With typical lunacy, our favourite programme has it the other way around.
2. Upgraded
From the ‘crustacean abs’ to the sensibly scaled-down earmuffs, the new series Cybermen are yet another design triumph. Bang up-to-date while still honouring all the best bits of the original – possibly the mantra for the series as a whole.
3. Freema Agyeman
Not only is the latest Time-totty gorgeous and talented, but she’s even been to Science Fiction conventions – as an attendee! (Certainly none that I’ve ever been to, though…)
4. It’s Christmas-time, there’s no need to be afraid…
A Who Christmas Special? How was that ever going to work? Thank you ‘Christmas Invasion for being so perfect. And as for The Runaway Bride, well, see below…
5. It also travels in space…
There’s nothing more fun than the TARDIS crash-landing on your loo in Tooting Bec, as a wise man once almost said. And then there was that wonderful motorway chase…
6. Musicians call it the ‘b part’
The ‘middle 8′ might also be ‘the bit that the announcers talk over’, but thank you Murray Gold, for restoring the full closing credits theme – music to our ears.
7. Torchwood
An original touchstone which gave us the wonderful Yvonne Hartman, and Freema a foot in the door.
8. Surprise!
So The Beast really was Satan? There were Daleks in the Sphere? Last of the Time Lords is set one year later?
Despite spoilerage in the magnitude of the ‘Mr Sec-agoras’ Radio Times cover, the programme can still pull a Kaiser Söze on us every so often…
9. Late series random one-offs
Blinkin’ Love & Monsters! Our regulars get a break and we get alternative charismatic leads for a week. Everybody wins while the programme explores new possibilities in story-telling - and we all know how important that is.
10. The Pits.
When Tennant arrived so did the promise that the programme would leave Cardiff and space stations, and visit alien worlds. And so a distant planet orbiting a black hole and humanities’ last outpost at the end of time look suspiciously like – quarries!
Hoo-ray! The more things change…