So, last week we went to Oliver!. Many cherubic angels singing in the workhouse… so that’s where they got them from for The Next Doctor. I surprised they didn’t break out in Christmas song when being herded along by the Cybermen.
A flight of fancy, especially as it all works out for little Oliver in the end (awwwwww).
A few Who luminaries are performing to full magnificence – funny man Rowan ‘Fatal Death’ Atkinson, Julian ‘Richard Count Scarlioni Lionheart’, Julian ‘new Davros’ Bleach. However, when Fagin mentions Bill Sykes, something suddenly pops in my head…I’m sure I’ve heard that somewhere before…some comment on a previous Zeus Blog post?
Ah, yes, it IS him. Burn Gorman strides onto the stage as the nasty Bill. It appears that he has bulked up a bit, or perhaps it is suit padding, however he does have a damn nice haircut. Bad burglar Bill flogs some pretty shiny things off to Fagin and then leaves while I whisper to my partner “that’s Owen from Torchwood”. Alas, Sha didn’t realise despite sitting next to him for the previously mentioned haircut.
In the second half, Burn gets his single solo musical outing with My Name and while visually rousing, is not the best showcase of his talents. With his singing voice not being a highpoint, you only really notice it when he sings with others later on. Compare and contrast people, compare and contrast.
At curtain call, he was the only person to be booed, but this was for him being a bad bad man (poor Nancy), not a bad singer (he admits as much on one of the videos on the Oliver! website). Bill had a great death scene too – falling off a chimney certainly beats being drowned in nuclear reactor coolant.
In other news…
Doctor Who Discount 1 – Seems no one wants Lazlo! Poor Lazlo. His Character Options figure has been reduced to 99p at Forbidden Planet. I guess pig faced humans aren’t as popular with the kids as they used to be. Or maybe it’s the swine flu?
Doctor Who Discount 2 – It’s not just Lazlo who is getting the short shrift. At nearby Modelzone, mini busts of Jabe (ooh err) and a Slitheen have been reduced from £40 to £10. Even poor mister Cyberman has been reduced, but only to £20. Your stock will be DELETED.
Doctor Who Discount 3
– Ever wanted to build your own TARDIS? Well, now you can. The Airfix TARDIS model has been reduced from £25 to £10 and even comes with the paint, brushes AND glue. But wait, there’s more – it also includes electronic lighting and sound effects. Just remember kids – it’s a lot more embarrassing to go hospital with a TARDIS stuck to your nose than a model aeroplane. (Actually, either would be embarrassing).
DWM Special 200 Golden Moments – I can’t find this anywhere. Have tried four book stores with good magazine selections and even Forbidden Planet doesn’t have it. Who stole all the issues? Very mysterious indeed.
With all the discounts going on over here, it seems that it really is a case of ‘Who Will Buy’!