Flight of the Darned

Not content with his triumph earlier this year with a unique spin on the Five Doctors, Farmergeddon is back with another loving impaling of the Davison Era.

Farmageddon Flight

5 Responses to “Flight of the Darned”

  1. Thad Ritchards Says:

    (Stupid WordPress and non-embedding objects…)

  2. rtpeditor Says:

    Such deft mashups! “The Bad Ham Actor” is great fun and “Flight of the Darned” is hugely amusing. I have to admit that I prefer these to DVD ‘funnies’ like “Oh Mummy!”

  3. Peter A Says:

    Vot is zis “The Bad Ham Actor” of vich you speak?

  4. rtpeditor Says:

    Another of Farmergeddon’s little edits. This is a short one of about a minute in length and tackles another Davison story. Go to the “Darned” clip above at YouTube and on the right, look at the list of other clips from Farmergeddon. Click on the one called “Doctor Who – T.B.H.A.”

  5. Foo Says:

    Yes, that is a brilliant clip – was very impressed!

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