Torchwood Season 2 – what needs to happen…


Welcome back to our look into Torchwood‘s 2008! This time we ask our panel “What would you LIKE to see?”, in other words: what they think SHOULD be a feature of next season in terms of story, continuity, character development, tone, et cetera. We’ve a slightly shorter installment today, with Dave sitting this one out (but look out for his expanded comments in RTP 25)

In our first part you’ll recall that the character of Owen took some hits as something the panel would like to see attended to, improved, or just mutilated in some horrible way. Sadly, as a ‘need-to-have’ Owen doesn’t get off lightly today either. JE:”Owen has been infected by the Weevil, and starts turning into one. In fact, that’s how they are created!” and “Rhys will find out about Owen”. So, either way, a world of pain for Torchwood‘s resident wide-mouth frog. That said, the show’s signature alien race has clearly made an impression, with Al wishing to see “The origin of the Weevils dealt with (are they the slave race of another species?)” Perhaps Al will get his wish – who knows?

Origins were a key feature of our last panel of course, and this time our experts continue to express the urge to poke and pry into the wider world of Torchwood beyond The Hub. Jon suggested “The first episode needs to acknowledge and deal with the (world-wide shattering) ramifications following the violent deaths of both the US President and PM (as seen in Sound of the Last Time Lord Drums), rather than shrug if off with a ’X Months Later’ caption and no mention of it by the Torchwood team”. He’d also like to see “more revealed about the Rift and how it works. We don’t fully understand how it functions, or what it actually is – is it natural or ‘man-made’? (From the Time War?)”, which was also briefly (and more directly) covered by Jamas last time. Foo thought “Some history / background to Torchwood Cardiff itself, how it was built, when, and by whom?” would be a good place to go as well.

As you might expect with much of the wider Torchwood Institute teased at in the series opener (before briskly turning to the vital subject of cannibals and sexy gas aliens), the other Hubs get a look in on our ‘need-to-see’ list as well. “We need to learn more about Torchwood 3 (Glasgow) and 4 (wherever it is!)” demanded Jon, and Al agreed: “An encounter with the mysterious Glasgow branch of Torchwood” followed by “The return of Bilis (one of the best things about the original series)”.

Most of all in this part however, it seems the panel is unanimous in wanting character development and progression. Not content with endless games of basketball among cutting edge state-owned technology., we want to see the characters DO things (and not just each other), react to their world and we want to know what makes them tick. Foo wants “improved character development which carries through episodes, more scares/horror as long as it’s done well, powerful secondary characters (believable/sympathetic), the group working together as a united front, more about Toshiko, Owen and Ianto’s lives outside Torchwood.” Jon went a step further, bloodthirstily yearning for  ”a death of a main character to shake things up a bit. (Ianto and Tosh are the most boring and pointless characters; please let it be one or both of them!)” How cruel! Operationally though, perhaps Alden puts it best: “The Torchwood crew should be seen as somewhat more competent than they’ve been portrayed in season 1. Instead of messing about shagging each other and getting locked in their own base, not to mention being the cause of the problem 50% of the time, it needs to be more CSI with aliens”. Can’t say fairer than that. Al in the mean-time would like follow-up from the early episodes of last year: “A developing relationship between Jack and Gwen” is his suggestion.

Plenty for RTD and team to work with there, then. But let’s not forget that we know Torchwood will get at least one new member next year, in the form of Martha Jones. “Martha’s involvement must be seen to be absolutely necessary rather than just a publicity gimmick” says Jon ”If it turns out that Freema’s ‘transfer’ to Torchwood could easily have not happened (meaning that her non-appearance in series 4 and the return of Donna was not essential in terms of both series story arcs) then I’ll be mighty brassed-off! ” Right.

Finally, and beyond the scope of the production team, Al would like to see the series get “good reviews posted on the Behind the Sofa site”. And that would be a good thing to be sure. That’s all for this installment, folks – tune in soon when we come to the dreaded finale, and what we EXPECT in all likelihood to see for series 2. It ain’t pretty…


3 Responses to “Torchwood Season 2 – what needs to happen…”

  1. jpreddle Says:

    “Martha’s involvement must be seen to be absolutely necessary rather than just a publicity gimmick” says Foo ”If it turns out that Freema’s ‘transfer’ to Torchwood could easily have not happened (meaning that her non-appearance in series 4 and the return of Donna was not essential in terms of both series story arcs) then I’ll be mighty brassed-off! ” Right.

    This bit is actually mine, not Foo’s! :-)


  2. Foo Says:

    Yes, I wondered about that as I didn’t recall saying that. Thought I was going a little dolally actually!

  3. Peter A Says:

    Done! Fixed!

    And may I say it’s refreshing to have real debate among these talkbacks and not just pedantic spellchecking and corrections :)

    Hang on…

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