Our Man in Cymru makes bittersweet tea with his tears.

caerdyddHere’s Jono’s final installment of his big Welsh adventure in Caerdydd, and here breaks a noble heart indeed. The photos are old, but the heartache lives on. In our hearts. In case we need reminding that we didn’t just lose Barry Letts, or Koquillion this year, we lost a great friend of the Doctor, too. Thingummywhatsit from the Hub.

sign ianto
<iantobirthday tea


Lest we forget, dudes. Lest we forget.

4 Responses to “Our Man in Cymru makes bittersweet tea with his tears.”

  1. Foo Says:

    Ahhh, what’s with the teabag? Surely it should be coffee grounds – guess they are hard to stick to that wire fence.

  2. Peter A Says:

    Well, quite. Plus there’s that whole unfortunate political protest misunderstanding from earlier in the year in some foreign country that got a new king or something recently.

    (link not for the kids, even if it is educational!)


  3. Foo Says:

    I wasn’t even going to mention that – trust you to bring it up!

  4. Peter A Says:

    That’s what it says on my report card: inspires trust!

    And in my experience coffee grounds will stick to anything, especially in the office dishwasher.

    But back to Ianto, I think his followers (the Iunta? Ianoraks? I dunno) used the teabag as their special ‘fight the power’ symbol to ‘take it to the man’ and demand coffee dude’s resurrection (well it worked for Adric), sending said bags to BBC Centre at first, then setting up a Facebook page (I see Rose Tyler never had a ‘let’s bring her back’ FB page, and look what happened), then just writing the whole thing off for charity.

    I wonder if they’ve got a result yet? I’d say it’s down to him or Midriffman Alonso Frame this Christmas

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